Making Art: Choosing materials


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Over the past year, I’ve transitioned from novice to intermediate painter. I’ve learned that there is a difference in art materials and that the supplies you choose can affect the results of your work.

When I started, I ordered a set of Artezia watercolor tubes and a pad of their 140lb paper. The tube paints last forever and you have the option of using them for thick textures or diluting for the traditional sheer watercolor look. People often ask me what medium I use as my style is thicker and heavier than most watercolor.

I have added a set of Winsor & Newton watercolors to my collection. These are brick style–like traditional watercolors and I find them easier to mix and blend as they are so sheer. The color is luminous and sometimes even shimmers. I noticed that my paintings looked better–shading became easier.

As for paper…the Artezia brand is quite textured and has a bit of a grid mark. It’s great for beginners and for practice, but not for a more polished look. I upgraded to Winsor & Newton watercolor paper. The price is higher–so I started small with postcards and 5×7 sheets. I was amazed at the difference!

Fast forward a few months and I am happy to say that I have sold enough paintings to pay for my supplies 🙂

I use this set of brushes by Art Echo. They meet my needs, but the handles are a bit loose. I will probably upgrade brushes next. I am self taught–so I am still figuring out the right brushes to meet my needs. I often rely on Pinterest or Youtube videos to help me along.

I am very fortunate to have friends who have taught art or are artists themselves. They give me excellent feedback and constructive criticism. I’ve learned not to compare my progress with others and just do my thing! Wanting to be “good” can practically paralyze you if you worry about it all of the time. Just enjoy the process!