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Calm is the goal for 2019–trail view, Mohonk Mountain House.

I don’t do resolutions any more. What I do love about the new year is a fresh start. I think all of us naturally start to clean up after the holidays and think about things we would like to begin anew.

For me, getting the house back in order is like hitting the reset button. All of that holiday chaos disappears and I feel like myself again. My purpose is renewed and I feel ready to handle day to day life.

  • I love breaking out a new planner for the year! All of those fresh clean pages are an inspiration to plan adventures.
  • Make sure you collect any nice boxes leftover from holiday gifts or purchases–I’m currently gathering what I need to organize my daughter’s closet and I was thrilled to find three gorgeous mint colored boxes out of our building’s recycle pile. There is rarely a need to buy fancy things to get yourself tidied up.
  • Take time to rest after the “busiest time of year.” Indulge in a nap or take a restorative yoga class. Stress takes such a toll on our bodies. I will be posting on easy ways to find your center again.
  • Plan a get together with friends. Many people travel over the holiday season. If you’ve been missing someone that makes you smile–take the initiative to invite them to do something fun. My daughter and I were thrilled by a spur of the moment invite to go roller skating with friends we don’t see very often. Tonight, I’m paying it forward with a casual girl’s night in!
  • As always, GET OUTSIDE. It really is good for the heart, mind, body, and soul.